Cortes Fishing Adventures
Desolation Sound is the home to some of the worlds most beautiful marine and wild life, and the sights are breathtaking.

guided tours cortes island

whale watching desolation sound

sight seeing desolation sound

guided tours cortes island
The pristine waters surrounding Cortes Island offer some of the most breathtaking scenery and marine wildlife in the world. You could take a guided sightseeing trip south to beautiful Mitlenatch Marine Park, where there are two species of sea lions, seals, thousands of birds, and even cacti. Or how about taking a trip up into the unspoiled inlets of Desolation Sound, Canada. In the inlets' wilderness, you can see black bears foraging along the shore as they come out of hibernation. Along the way, enjoy the awe-inspiring view of the rugged and spectacular coastal mountain ranges. Closer up, see some of the amazing waterfalls which come straight down from the mountains and plunge directly into the ocean. Another phenomenal trip worth taking is the cruise to the memorable Castle Lake Falls. Swim in the natural jacuzzi at the bottom of the waterfalls, shower in the falls or hike up to Castle Lake.
The waters surrounding Cortes Island and Desolation Sound have an abundance of Bald Eagles, Dolphins, Porpoise, and both Orcas (Killer Whales) and hump back whales pass through several times a year. Seeing these beautiful creatures up close in person is bound to be a memorable experience!
There are so many beautiful places and so much amazing wildlife to see on this part of British Columbia's coast. We make all of our guided sightseeing trips custom to suit the needs and desires of each individual guest. Don’t forget your camera!